Are you familiar with the three body types called ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph? Officially they’re known as Somatotypes. These body types are hereditary traits based on your skeletal frame, muscle mass, how much fat your body stores and where you store it.

Body types from left to right: Endomorph, Mesomorph, and Ectomorph.
American physician and psychologist Dr William Sheldon devised somatotypes in the 1940s. You can read more about his research here.
Today Sheldon’s body types go further than just describing a person’s physical build. Most people are a mix of two somatotypes. The most common combinations are mesomorph-endomorph for women and endomorph-mesomorph for men. There are recommended diets and exercise programs to benefit each physique.
That’s very interesting, but how does this information relate to the clothes and fabrics you wear?
Well, there’s a range of fabrics that flatter each somatotype. Having a good idea of which materials suit your body type will help you make great choices when you’re shopping for clothes. So, not only will you love how the garment looks and fits, you’ll feel good too!
Discover Your Body Type(s) and Fabric Recommendations
Tip: If you are one somatotype on the top and another on the bottom, use the fabric recommendations for both. E.g., If you are ectomorph on top and mesomorph on the bottom, wear fabrics for ectomorph from your waist up, and then use materials that suit mesomorph from your waist down.
Recommended fabrics for Endomorphs

This shoppable board is for those of you with a mesomorph body type. Click here or on the image.
Recommended fabrics for Mesomorphs
Look for these fabrics: linen, medium weight cotton and cashmere, denim, knits, wool crepe, fine wool gabardine, flannel, suede, wool jersey, boucle knits (think Chanel jackets), chenille, velvet (beautiful for evening and winter wear), and anything crocheted.

Click here or on the image to shop this board.
Recommended fabrics for Ectomorphs
Suggested fabrics for this body type are leather, cotton, pure linen, organza, raw silk, Thai silk, taffeta, brocade, corduroy, stiff lace, wool gabardine (often used to make coats and suits), microfiber blends, and denim.
Next Steps
Are you curious about your ideal style and how to achieve it? Your body type is just one piece of your overall style. A Personal Style Consultation covers everything from your personality, lifestyle, and the way you want to be perceived, to body shape, proportions, line, scale, patterns, face shape and jewellery (plus more!). It’s a fun and highly informative session that is specific to YOU. (No more trawling the internet for hours trying to find information that might be relevant for you.) In three hours you will have everything you need. You’ll find out what you love and want to change and have all the tools you need to make it happen, so you feel ‘style confident’ every day.